Builders of the adytum lessons pdf
Builders of the adytum lessons pdf

Put very simply, one meaning of all these mysterious hints is that the mental activities personified by the various mo ther deities, of whom Venus is a type, are those which lead to completion of the Great Work.

builders of the adytum lessons pdf

Such perfection is, of collrse, a victory over all obstacles, and this idea of victory, linked with the number 7, is associated with Venus because Qabalists call the seventh Sephirah the Sphere of Venus. Fur thermore, the vault itself had seven sides, and this heptagonal construction is found also in many alchemical diagrams typilying the perfection of the Great Work. Again, iir the Rosicrucian FAMA FRATERNITATIS, the entrance to the mysterious vault which contained all the secrets of the order, as well as the perfectly preserved body of its Founder, was discovered when one of the Bro thers happened to remove a tablet of brass, a metal associated with the planet Venus. Blavatsky's SECRET DOCTRINE, the human race owes much to an earlier de'elopment of conscicusncss conncctcd w-ith the planei Venus. Here two points of occult teaching may be of interest.

builders of the adytum lessons pdf

Venus is also the astrological attribution of the letter Daleth, according to the school of Qabalists represented in these pages.

builders of the adytum lessons pdf

In this figure all the mo ther goddesses of the ancient world are syn thesized, but she is particularly Aphrodite, or Venus. She is the Great Mo ther, pregnant with the world of form. By contrast with the High Priestess, who is a cold, virgin frgure corresponding to the moon, the Empress is warm and maternal. In Tarot, the Empress represents the inner side of the process which establishes order, and the Key fbllowing it in the series has to do with the outer side of the same process. This, you will see, is in agreement with some of the meanings of the number 3 given in the preceding lesson.

builders of the adytum lessons pdf

TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Ten THE EMPRESS 'I'he noun 'empress' comes from a Latin root meaning 'to set in order, to arrange'.

Builders of the adytum lessons pdf